Iterate Adaptive Graphical-Lasso with binary SBM estimation to recover the adaptive weights
janine( data, partition = NULL, n_blocks = NULL, penalties = NULL, alpha = 0, control_optim = list(), control_penalties = list() )
data | a n x d matrix of multivariate Gaussian observation |
partition | a factor indicating a known partition of the variables to be respected during the clustering. If NULL (the default), to predfined partition is consider. |
n_blocks | integer for the target number of groups. If NULL (the default), will be chosen automatically internally by ICL in the SBM fit. |
penalties | a vector of postive real number in decreasing order tuning the network sparsity. The default (NULL) generates an hopefully appropriate collection of penalties. |
alpha | a positive scalar tuning the mixture between the weighted-sparse penlaty and the trace-Laplacian regularisation. |
control_optim | a list controling how the alternate optimization between adaptive graphical-Lasso and SBM is conducted
for each penalty level. Contains three entries: a convergence threshold |
control_penalties | a list controling how |
## Network settting nNodes <- 60 blockProp <- c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) # group proportions nbBlock <- length(blockProp) # number of blocks connectParam <- diag(.4, nbBlock) + 0.01 # connectivity matrix: affiliation network mySBM <- rggm::rSBM(nNodes, connectParam, blockProp) Omega <- rggm::graph2prec(mySBM, cond_var = rep(1, nNodes), neg_prop = 0.5) ## Multivariate Gaussian Vector generation n <- 300 X <- rggm::rmgaussian(n, means = rep(0, nNodes), solve(Omega)) ## Network inference fits <- janine(X, penalties = 0.1, control_optim = list(n_cores = 1))#> #> Adjusting 1 SBM-structured GGM with sparse adaptive regularisation #> Amount of regularisation = 0.1