Iterate Adaptive Graphical-Lasso with binary SBM estimation to recover the adaptive weights

  partition = NULL,
  n_blocks = NULL,
  penalties = NULL,
  alpha = 0,
  control_optim = list(),
  control_penalties = list()



a n x d matrix of multivariate Gaussian observation


a factor indicating a known partition of the variables to be respected during the clustering. If NULL (the default), to predfined partition is consider.


integer for the target number of groups. If NULL (the default), will be chosen automatically internally by ICL in the SBM fit.


a vector of postive real number in decreasing order tuning the network sparsity. The default (NULL) generates an hopefully appropriate collection of penalties.


a positive scalar tuning the mixture between the weighted-sparse penlaty and the trace-Laplacian regularisation.


a list controling how the alternate optimization between adaptive graphical-Lasso and SBM is conducted for each penalty level. Contains three entries: a convergence threshold epsilon (default to 1e-3), a maximal number of iteration max_iter (default 20) and verbosity level trace (default 1).


a list controling how penalties is generated, with three entries: a double min_ratio (default 0.1), a integer length (default 20) and a logical diagonal (default TRUE) indicating weither the diaognal should be penalized or not.


## Network settting nNodes <- 60 blockProp <- c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3) # group proportions nbBlock <- length(blockProp) # number of blocks connectParam <- diag(.4, nbBlock) + 0.01 # connectivity matrix: affiliation network mySBM <- rggm::rSBM(nNodes, connectParam, blockProp) Omega <- rggm::graph2prec(mySBM, cond_var = rep(1, nNodes), neg_prop = 0.5) ## Multivariate Gaussian Vector generation n <- 300 X <- rggm::rmgaussian(n, means = rep(0, nNodes), solve(Omega)) ## Network inference fits <- janine(X, penalties = 0.1, control_optim = list(n_cores = 1))
#> #> Adjusting 1 SBM-structured GGM with sparse adaptive regularisation #> Amount of regularisation = 0.1